Hi! I’m a marketing leader who has worked on digital marketing, branding, multi-format content development and strategy, social media, community engagement, communications, and financial and data analysis at Bloomberg, Gagosian, Millennium Management, and Capvision.
In 2018, I
graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University, where I was the recipient of the Lucas Award in Visual Arts. Ever since then, I have been residing in New York City, where I was born and raised. Here is my portfolio in chronological order.
Social Media
Content Development & Strategy for Financial Advisors
- Investment Communications
- Social Media Marketing Strategy
- Stakeholder Management
In June 2020, Millennium Management, one of the world’s largest alternative asset management funds with $70B AUM, launched their social media presence on LinkedIn with both organic and paid content. Nearly two years later, they had been active on 7 platforms with plans to launch on Instagram. Millennium’s goals were to:
- Embody a unique visual identity from LinkedIn
- Feel differentiated from core and aspirational peers
- Generate appeal amongst tech and campus recruits
- Appear less corporate and more native to the Instagram platform
I was asked to put together a slide deck for how I would approach Millennium’s launch and content strategy.
- 1. The Instagram Value Proposition (~1 slide)
Why it’s a fit for the Firm and a summary of the recommended strategy
2. Aspirational Instagrams (~2 slides)
Which brands do it best? Why? What can we learn from them?
The best launch grids. Whose work and why? How should Millennium apply these learnings to launch?
3. Millennium’s Instagram Visual Content Criteria and Identity (~2 Slides)
What framework should we have in place to ensure content is premium, how does this vary by format?
How should the Firm be realistic about balancing quality with quantity?
4. Three New Content Series for Millennium’s Instagram Launch (~2-3 slides)
Series suggestions should cover formats, topics, frequency, and visual strategy. How will these help accomplish the Firm’s platform goals and engage audiences?